Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shoe Power

A week later, many phone calls, many arrangements, a lot of exhaustion. And a very big lot of wonderful notes and calls. The block has been so lovely — new neighbors, old neighbors, very old neighbors.

I bought a pair of the most rebellious shoes I could find last Sunday. See below...

They also make something that looks quite a lot like a Lady Gaga shoe...
 Dontcha think?

Shoes can be such restorative items. I know my mother agreed. There is a pair of pink, purple, & blue silk mosaic pumps that she still had here and which she must've had some fun with in the '60s.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fate Steps In

As it always does. Dying Parent has left this realm. Yesterday in the early hours of the morning, peaceful at home, music in the background and flowers in the foreground. To be 84 and die like that — we should all be so lucky.

Oh, and the book I mentioned in the last post is actually:
Love, Loss, and What I Wore.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Dear Loyal Readers,

The New Year has given Aged Parent a new name: Dying Parent. Officially. She will not be with us much longer, having been put on palliative care this week after being diagnosed on Monday with an inconvenient and large "mass" in her right lung.
There's a book called something like Life, Death, & What I Wore. I think I'll read it.