The damned cat is trying to block my screen. Pity me. But this is a wonderful little office in the front of the house -- the little white room with two windows and white curtains, overlooking The Block. There are way more cars here than ever there were in the 1960s. Probably an obvious observation. Still, do people now have more cars per household? Likely.
And all the strangers who bring their dogs up Our Block to run them in the Presidio. Never heard of that way back when. No one took one's dogs with intent out to run somewhere. All dogs just ran around, bothering people and children, depositing feces at will, and that is undoubtedly the reason for the current state of dog laws. With reason. I do not object; I just comment from a historical perspective.
This little room I lay in with a tragic pneumonia in 4th grade when my mother came in late at night to check on me and to parenthetically report that Reagan had won the CA election for governor. Now I'm dating myself. You can do the math. But the ingredients are interesting: Reagan, pneumonia, 4th grade. Funny combo but fairly typical for a childhood memory. This little room is connected to a big bedroom, also in the front of the house, through a door. Probably these were the main rooms, because the big room is connected to what was probably the Very Modern bathroom on this floor. So the little white room was a nursery? I think so. Makes sense. Given that the house was built in 1904 there may well be no original plans in City Hall -- didn't CH burn in the fire in '06? Anyway, old plans can only be fun.
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